Don’t Skip Strategy


Why Strategy

Marketing strategy—it’s a term thrown around in the world of digital entrepreneurship as readily as others, but its true meaning remains elusive for many. It’s an often misunderstood concept, conflated with tactics or goals. This confusion not only clouds our understanding but can also significantly impact the success of your online course. So, what exactly is a marketing strategy, and why does it matter for your online course?


Marketing Strategy: The Misunderstood Middle Child

To illustrate the distinction between tactics, goals, and strategy, let’s use a chess analogy. In this game, a tactic could be moving your knight to E5, while your goal is simply to ‘win’. The strategy, however, is a comprehensive approach, like deciding to eliminate as many pawns as possible in the early game.

Translating this to online course marketing, a tactic might be using a free video as a lead magnet, while the goal is to sell lots of subscriptions. But neither of these is a strategy. A litmus test for whether something is a strategy: can it be structured in multiple ways? The answer should be yes. Is it appropriate to every situation? The answer should be no.

A strategy, unlike a tactic, isn’t a one-size-fits-all concept. It’s more like a tailored suit, designed to fit your business and your audience, guided by a deeper understanding of your unique positioning, challenges, and opportunities.


The Power of Strategy

If we continue our earlier analogy, the marketing strategy is the often overlooked middle child between your goal (winning the game) and your tactics (individual chess moves). It’s a framework that points you towards your goal and helps you choose which tactics are appropriate. It isn’t tied to a specific activity; instead, it’s a broader plan that dictates how to use various tactics to achieve your goal.

In the realm of digital marketing for online courses, we could liken the strategy to the ‘third dimension’. It adds depth to your efforts, transforming a flat, one-dimensional approach into a multi-faceted, dynamic campaign. It ensures every tactical decision—be it a blog post, an email sequence, or a free webinar—works cohesively towards your larger goal.

So, why does strategy make such a difference? Because it allows you to make smart, informed decisions about how to attract, engage, and convert your audience. It ensures your marketing is purpose-driven, rather than a collection of disparate, disconnected activities.

When you invest time in crafting a robust marketing strategy for your online courses, you create a blueprint for success. You ensure your efforts are aligned, your resources are well-spent, and that every move brings you one step closer to your goal.’


The Next Step

This all might sound basic to you. But understanding what a marketing strategy is—and isn’t—is just the beginning. The real magic happens when you apply this understanding to your online course, its supporting funnel, and your entire online business. 

Ian McPherson

Ian McPherson


Ian McPherson is a digital marketing strategy consultant, master of the software stack, licensed acupuncturist and classical vocalist. What excites him most about Authentic Presence is the privilege to be of service to our extraordinary clients by giving them a platform to spread their wisdom.
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